Water utility’s new chatbot to be a fountain of knowledge to customers

Facebook Messenger bot helps to engage the views of customers

One of the leading water and sewerage companies in England and Wales has successfully launched a chatbot, designed by Synthetix, to engage the views of their customers on the water company’s plans for 2019 and beyond.

As part of the 2020-2025 initiative, customers are asked to rate the company’s plans to address challenges and issues, such as keeping bills affordable, improving the environment, water quality and customer service. Launched via Facebook Messenger, responses from customers are captured via a smiley feedback system and Synthetix is delighted to report that aggregated data already show the bot achieving a high level of engagement.

The bot is fully GDPR compliant and the company will be using the feedback data to continue improving their customers’ experience, and importantly, to help shape their business plan.

The chatbot’s high levels of interaction confirms the success of this utility’s approach to customer engagement, making it easy for customers to understand and cast their views on issues important to them. They will also submit how the results impact on their business plan to the regulator.

Alastair Taylor, Commercial Director at Synthetix says: “Synthetix is delighted to have delivered another successful deployment to our customer who are already invested in a plethora of our powerful AI-driven online customer service software. It’s no wonder that their high standards of customer service have them recognised by the water industry regulator Ofwat, as one of the most efficient water and sewerage companies in England and Wales.”